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Dating on the dry: Try one of these drink-free date ideas next time you go out

Meeting for a drink is an easy option when going on a date because, for one thing, most dates happen in the evenings so you can always guarantee that a pub or bar will be open. It’s an ideal, cosy setting. For first dates, it’s a preferred option as it’s familiar and that keeps nerves at bay.

It’s often hard to think of what else to do for a date but there are plenty of alternatives out there, whether it’s your first time getting to know a new connection or a date night with your long-term love.

Go for a walk

This one seems obvious, but I am always surprised at the number of couples who don’t do this together. The best thing about walking or hiking is it’s a free activity and you can pick a level that suits you both. You can walk along a beach, down a country lane, through a forest, or hike up a mountain. It’s a great one for getting to know someone as walking naturally lends itself to good conversation. Also, there is nothing more romantic than holding hands as you go, regardless of how new or old your relationship is.

Visit a cultural hotspot

We’re so fortunate in Ireland to have a large number of museums and galleries and a lot of them are free to enter or the ticket price is minimal, so it’s a budget-friendly date idea. Don’t be afraid if you feel you don’t know enough about art or history because it’s just nice to chat about what you think it’s all about.

Temporary exhibitons keep the collections fresh for a revisit. For example, the National Museum of Decorative Arts & History in Dublin is currently hosting an exhibit on GAA. Meanwhile, the Book of Kells Experience in Trinity College has been revamped for a new immersive experience. And don’t forget the pop culture options, such as the Game of Thrones studio tour in County Down.

Have a go on a climbing wall

Indoor climbing walls are so much fun. We all climbed trees when we were kids, right? Take the chance to relive your youth and get scrambling up a wall. There are options for every skill level and the best part is: if you fall, your date is there to catch you.

You’ll need to be dressed comfortably for this one so a heads up for your date will be necessary. Even though the walls are not so high, this is probably not the best idea for someone with a fear of heights, so definitely not one to surprise your date with if you are unsure.

Play board games

Are you ready to show your date your competitive side? Dublin has just got its first alcohol-free board game bar and café in Dublin 8, aptly named Board. Open ’til late seven nights a week, they offer a space to come and have the craic with a huge selection of board games. And they serve nice grub too.

Listen to storytellers

Harking back to Irish tradition, at a storytelling event such as Seanchoíche you can listen to people share stories, poems and spoken word pieces in an intimate and friendly environment. You’ll laugh and cry together – perfect date material. You can even take part yourself, if you’re really wanting to show your date another side of you.

Get crafty

This is one you can do together at home. Spend an afternoon or evening together figuring out how to crochet, creating some pebble art or making a likeness of your date in papier-maché – just be careful not to glue yourselves together!

There are also formal events that can get you out into the world with your arts and crafts. Cavan’s Crafts of Ireland runs lots of workshops that include afternoon tea, and you’ll likely be able to find classes locally wherever you are.

Bust a move

Create your own form of dirty dancing with your date while having some fun learning to dance or enjoying a bop on a night out. You’ll find lots of country dances happening weekly in every county, as well as a range of classes from samba to salsa. It’s fun to pick a dance you both don’t know so you can learn together. Just don’t attempt any lifts on the first date!

Roll with it

Thankfully, roller skating rinks and discos have risen in popularity more recently and you can find a selection of locations dotted around the country. Fall into each other’s arms while skating to Donna Summer and other classics. You’ll soon find out which of you has two left feet.

Take in a walking tour

This one is good for seasoned couples because you’re past the part of getting to know each other and you can listen contently to your guide as they walk you around. I am quite fond of a food walking tour (I even host my own with Fab Food Trails, who do walks in Dublin and Cork), but you can find a tour for all tastes, be they historical, musical, literary or anything else.

You can also keep it intimate with a self-guided tour for just the two of you. The Waterford Walls project, for example, has a map of large-scale murals across Waterford City that you can visit at your leisure.

Modern dating can be tricky to navigate. Are you using dating apps and feeling like you’re getting nowhere? Check out our online dating masterclass with cyberpsychologist Dr Nicola Fox Hamilton to learn how to make the most of the apps.

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